Echobase - Databases management

Database management in EchoBase

EchoBase handles multiple databases, called working databases.

One must connect to a working database before importing or querying data with the application.

One can parameterize the connection to working databases, which may be of two types:

  • a H2 database
  • a Postgresql database

Using a H2 database

A H2 database can be created very easily, without maintenance (the database is stored in a single file). A H2 database is however less powerful than e.g. a Postgresql database.

In Echobase, a H2 database can be created by defining a new H2 working database configuration. The new database will be automatically created at the location:


If not mandatory, it is advisable to create a password for the new H2 database, as it can be required by other applications to access the database.

The following credentials are created by default in new H2 databases:

login: sa
password: sa

Postgresql database creation

  • postgres must be installed on the system (by executing e.g.: sudo apt-get install postgresql on a Debian system)
  • one must be logged in the postgres application in a console with admistrative rights (e.g. as postgres default user).
  1. echobase user creation
createuser -U postgres -sdRP echobase
  1. "echobase" database creation
createdb -U postgres -E UTF-8 -O echobase echobase
  1. Grant administration rights to echobase user (system dependent, check your system documentation). Completed when one can access the echobase database while typing:
psql -h localhost -U echobase echobase

Using a Postgres database

Postgres databases must be used on a server to safely save large volume of data.

Once the database is created on the server, one shall create a new Postgresql working database configuration in EchoBase, with an url formatted as:


The database login and password shall be provided by the administrator who created the postgresql database on the server.