Update this documentation from the french one.
2 Installing EchoBase on a server
Using default installation parameter values is advised to ease support.
We favor the use of a debian server :)...
- The installation involves 2 steps:
- database creation
- application installation
2.1 Database creation
- Requirements:
- postgres must be installed (e.g. by running sudo apt-get install postgresql in a console on Debian systems)
- one must log into the database as "postgres" user with administration rights in a console.
- postgres user creation
createuser -U postgres -sdRP echobase
- "echobase" database creation
createdb -U postgres -E UTF-8 -O echobase echobase
- grant administration rights to the echobase user (see system specific documentation). Check that the echobase has the proper rights by running in the postgres session:
psql -h localhost -U echobase echobase
2.2 Setting up Echobase first intall
Open a console with root attributes.
tomcat should be installed in /opt/tomcat.
Echobase application and configuration data will be stored in: /var/local/echobase
- Create directories:
mkdir /var/local/echobase mkdir /var/local/echobase/war
- Put the Echobase installation .war file in: /var/local/echobase/war
- Define a symbolic link to this .war file:
ln -s /var/local/echobase/war/echobase-ui-XXX.var /var/local/echobase/echobase.war
- Define a symbolic link to this .war file in the tomcat webapps folder:
ln -s /var/local/echobase/echobase.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/echobase.war
- Copy the Echobase configuration file in: /var/local/echobase/
- Modify the user password, and eventually the connection url in this file. Below an example of edited file:
hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL82Dialect hibernate.connection.driver_class=org.postgresql.Driver hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:postgresql://monNomDeMachine/echobase hibernate.connection.username=echobase hibernate.connection.password=motDePasseModifie
- Define a symbolic link to the configuration file in /etc :
ln -s /var/local/echobase/ /etc/
The Echobase directory should now comprise the following elements:
/var/local/echobase/ ├── (configuration) ├── echobase.war -> war/echobase-ui-1.0.war (Echobase .war file) ├── logs (log directory) └── war (wars directory) └── echobase-ui-1.0.war
Once the tomcat server is started, you can access the application by browsing to:
2.3 Updating Echobase
Open a console with root attributes.
tomcat should be installed in /opt/tomcat.
Echobase update comprises 5 steps:
- Stop tomcat server
- Delete the following folders:
rm -rf /opt/tomcat/webapps/echobase rm -rf /opt/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/echobase
- Copy the new Echobase .war file in: /var/local/echobase/war
- Update the symbolic link in: /var/local/echobase/echobase.war
ln -fvs /var/local/echobasewar/echobase-ui-XXX.war /var/local/echobase/echobase.war
- Restart tomcat server
3 Misc.
3.1 Echobase log management
Before starting Echobase, one should define a echobase.log.dir jvm variable that defines the location of the application logs:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dechobase.log.dir=/var/local/echobase/logs"
CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dechobase.log.dir=/var/local/echobase/logs"
3.2 First use
On first use, two users are created if the database is empty:
login / password : admin / admin login / password : user / user
For security reasons, it is advised to modify the passwords in the user management menu.